Right of revocation (only for non precios metal items!):
You can cancel your order within 2 weeks (without naming reasons) by mail, FAX or via Email or - if the goods where delivered before crossing the agreed period - by sending back the goods. The period allowed starts upon receipt of this confirmation in text form.
The revocation has to be sent to:
Florian Hämmerl
Wolfsbach 18
84100 Niederaichbach
No right of withdrawal:
The price of precious metals is subject of fluctuations in the financial market (on which the entrepreneur has no influence) as such changes can arise during the period of withdrawal, there is no right of withdrawal for the client for this contract (§ 312d paragraph 4 item no. 6 of the German Civil Code if the client is a consumer in the sense of § 13 of the German Civil Code). Consumers, in the sense of these Terms and Conditions, are individuals with whom there is a business connection but are not commercially active.
Exchange Policy:
In the case that a valid counter claim has been ascertained the delivered goods have to be retransferred.
If you cannot send back the received goods - or part of it - you will be charged for this. Refunds of payments have to be done within 30 days from proclaiming the counter claim (for us with the receipt of a parcel).